Monday 30 May 2022

Why we need tree care professionals?

Mature trees appear to be able to withstand everything. They do most of the time. Even the sturdiest of these tall beauties might be damaged by a large storm. If you prune a tree on a regular basis, it will have a better chance of surviving. Here’s how to assist trees in surviving a storm and examining the health of trees that have been harmed.

Before a storm, inspect your trees.

Examine your trees carefully before a storm. Examine for symptoms of injury or disease. There could be a danger if you observe any of the following:

  1. Large branches or the tree trunk have cracks.
  2. Anywhere in the tree, decay or disease
  3. The trunk has a hollow section.
  4. A slanting tree
  5. Branches dangling from a structure
  6. Trees in close proximity to power lines
  7. Trees with mushrooms and fungi growing on them

If you are unable to assess a tree yourself, please contact us for assistance. We’ll assess the health of your tree.

  1. Learn to find out how to spot a potentially dangerous tree.
  2. Storm Damaged Tree Preventative Measures
  3. Here are some suggestions for assisting storm-damaged trees:
  4. Remove any branches that are dead, damaged, or diseased.
  5. Remove any extra growth.
  6. Remove any dangerous trees.

Remove branches that droop over your house or the street, and have a tree near a power line removed or trimmed by a professional.

Hire Tree Care Los Angeles or Tree Emergency Los Angeles professionals for tree care.